Learn more about our Data Export Service.
How many reports can I make?
You can create 20 reports each month.
Can other members of my staff also have access to the app?
Yes, you can grant your staff access to the app through the staff account. Click here to learn how to create and manage staff accounts.
Can I use one subscription for multiple stores?
No. If you own multiple stores, then you'll have to purchase a monthly subscription separately for each store.
Do you support data from multiple locations?
Data Export technology is designed to work with the multi-location features of the Shopify e-commerce platform.
Can I request features or enhancements to the Data Export Service?
Absolutely. Please send us your suggestion(s) by visiting this link.
Who is Dayspring?
Dayspring Technologies Pvt Ltd is the developer of Data Export, Report Pundit, and other data reporting solutions. You can learn more about us by visiting
What are your business hours?
We are available via Live Chat and email between 6 AM and 10 PM (EST), Monday through Friday. Our team usually responds to your email within one business day or less.
How is Report Pundit different from Data Export?
Both Data Export and Report Pundit are tools offered by Dayspring Technologies. We’ve created a comparison table to understand the differences.
How do I remove the Data Export app from my store?
a. Go to your Shopify admin page and click the search option, then select Apps
b. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click App and sales channel settings
c. A list of installed apps will appear, select the Data Export app and remove
That's all! You're all done.
Last updated